“University – Collaboration through Teaching” – Funded by Erasmus+ KA2 AgriENGAGE Project

On May 19th, the “University – Collaboration through Teaching” Training Course, a program, coordinated by Professor Maria Sassi from the Department of Economics at the University of Pavia, concluded. The main objective of the AgriENGAGE project is to promote entrepreneurship and employment in Sub-Saharan Africa.

On the first day, Professor Antonella Forlino, Vice-Rector for Internationalization at UNIPV, welcomed representatives from 9 universities, 8 of which were from Africa and 1 from RUFORUM. During the workshop week, the African universities that are partners of AgriENGAGE presented the strategy of industry-university collaboration through teaching adopted by their universities, engaging with professors from UNIPV.

The program provided insights to promote collaboration between industry and universities through teaching, providing high-level skills demanded by the market. 

A number of professors at UNIPV have contributed and added more value to the programme by joining and giving lectures on specific topics, such as:

  • Prof. Pietro Carretta; “From Teaching Innovation to the Job Market”
  • Prof. Garziano Rossi; “The design of a master programme in collaboration with the private sector.
  • Prof. Stefano Denicolai; “Teaching in collaboration with companies”
  • Dr. Elena Fontana, Dr Eleonora Sausa, Dr Shiva Sotoudeh; “International Marketing and students’ recruitment: tools and strategies.”
  • Prof. Cristina Arrigoni and Prof. Gabriella Massolini; “Higher education in the 21st century: Pavia Experience”
  • Dr Lucia Marazzi; “Industrial relations: the point of view of the University TTO”