
In order to promote international cooperation, particularly with Developing Countries, the University of Pavia and EDiSU (Institute of the Right to University Studies) provide every year 10 scholarships to visiting scholars for a period of stay of 4 to 12 weeks at the University of Pavia.
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All CICOPS scholars are invited to become CICOPS Fellows, "ambassadors" of the University of Pavia at their home Universities, thus helping spreading information about the University and CICOPS activities and promoting mobility to and from Pavia. Currently, the University of Pavia has contact with about 165 CICOPS Ambassadors in more than 50 different countries. Read More

From the early stages of its activities, the Center for International Cooperation and Development of the University of Pavia has been involved in inter-university international cooperation projects. Now more than ever it is crucial to carry out projects in partnership with other institutions, and CICOPS is now engaged in several projects in partnership with Italian, European and Extra European universities. Read More

“A successful sustainable development agenda requires partnerships between governments, the private sector and civil society. These inclusive partnerships built upon principles and values, a shared vision, and shared goals that place people and the planet at the centre, are needed at the global, regional, national and local level.” Read more
Last news

“BUILDING TOGETHER” University of Pavia at the heart of International Cooperation
Following the “Winter Meeting of Coimbra Group for Cooperation” hosted by University of Pavia the 25 and 26 of November, representatives from European and African Institution gathered together in the beautiful and historical […]
UNLOCKING POTENTIAL: Assessing Europe-Africa Research Partnerships Report
This report presents the results of a survey submitted to African researchers participating in the CICOPS fellow program and carried out in April 2024. Its objective was to gather data concerning research collaborations […]
COIMBRA scholarship 2024/25: 2 candidates selected
Based on the results of the evaluation of the committee, two candidates have been selected and awarded with the COIMBRA scholarship for the year 2024/2025. The committee evaluated the 21 applications received, 10 […]

Università di Pavia shares new Implementation and Action Plan 2023-2030 for Africa
Università di Pavia renews its commitment to Africa’s development with new Implementation and Action Plan 2023-2030 for Africa. The project consists not only in academic activities but aims to engage in activities with […]
Empowering 1400 Students for Civic Engagement: A Casa del Giovane Initiative!
The CICOPS has recently played a crucial role in organizing a series of educational events at Casa del Giovane in Pavia, dedicated to promoting citizenship and constitutional awareness. The experience, involving 1400 students […]
GLOBEC informs you that the Universities of the Coimbra Group offer a short-term visit (from 1 to 3 months) to young researchers from universities from ACP Countries, in particular from Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin American Universities and European […]

Projects of Italian Universities with Africa
Thanks to the collaboration between CRUI (Conferenza dei Rettori Università Italiane),CUCS (Coordinamento Universitario per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo), and the Comitato Promotore Expo 2030 Roma, a publication has been created to enhance the […]
#HostingFuture – Road to Pavia
On May 28, Intercultura Pavia organized an event at the University of Pavia, #HostingFuture – Road to Pavia, in which Prof. Parigi, Dr. Brendolise del SISTERR and Dr. Valsini, Councilor for Culture of […]
UNS5 (Institutional and Academic Strengthening of the Somali National University Project)
On May 23rd, the partners and all Somali students of the UNS5 (Institutional and Academic Strengthening of the Somali National University Project), funded by AICS, met in Florence for a Plenary meeting.
During the […]

“University – Collaboration through Teaching” – Funded by Erasmus+ KA2 AgriENGAGE Project
On May 19th, the “University – Collaboration through Teaching” Training Course, a program, coordinated by Professor Maria Sassi from the Department of Economics at the University of Pavia, concluded. The main objective of […]